Decentralized Escrow Service (Descrow) company project Service with a set of reliable tools for safe investing in ICO
Hello everyone, I will introduce the Decentralized Escrow Service (Descrow) company project, To make ICO safer for all participants.To eliminate the excessive distrust of the potential investors to the new startups. Hopefully this article useful for you. What is Descrow? I Descrow is the world’s first platform for secure ICO-Investments with an inbuilt mechanism of decentralized escrow, which allows the backers to control the spending of the finances via voting. Our project’s mission is to make ICO the less risky way of investments and eliminate the excessive distrust of the potential backers to the new startups, giving a boost to the further ICO market growth. How does it Work? After the closure of crowdsale, startups using Descrow functionality for their campaigns, receive the first tranche of financing and start to implement their road- map After the execution of the defined stages of works they provide detailed reports...